Saturday, September 8, 2018

If you do not know the difference between Tactical and Strategic Marketing? It is costing your business a fortune!

Tactical marketing is what everyone has been doing for decades now. It's like the 'elevator pitch'. Those are both 20th-century caveats. Strategic Marketing is what you need to know and understand to be more successful.

If you go to most websites (TACTICAL) they say - HEY! I DO THIS! if you want this send me an email, or call me! But 99% of your website views (do you know how many views you get?) 99% are lookey-loos. That means they are wanting information. Not ready to buy. So why then do we try so hard to impress them with our expensive websites if they are not ready to buy?

Instead, what do most people come to your website for?

Yes! to see if they should consider you for what they want to buy. Right? But we are so busy selling them that they spend a few seconds looking and then click to the next website on Google.

What I am going to talk about are really FUNNEL PAGES that are acting like websites.
Strategic design says... HEY! I know you are here to see if you should buy. I understand you have questions, some questions you haven't even thought of asking. So...

Here is what you should be doing... Interrupting, engaging, educating and offering.
Interrupt. Does this Interrupt your visual or emotional process? I specialize in troubled children... come read one of my LIBRARIES of articles to see what I offer.

Or does this.. Are Your Sick & Tired of the Yelling, Screaming & Belligerent Attitude of your Child? Learn how you can control your child and instantly restore peace and quiet in my free report. This the strategic... it pinpoints their pain, gives them immediate access to their solution and it's a FREE report to capture their email.

Capturing their email allows you to put them into a drip marketing campaign - not to sell them! but to induce them into buying. A huge difference.

The second example will allow you to double the leads and emails and probably lead to at least a 20% increase in your sales every month - because of the drip campaign you can implement.

One is all about call me for an appointment - the other is all about what problems you can solve.

Along this order then is the more strategic website that that lists your info and maybe an email or ph number but is strategically designed to offer them answers to their questions and questions they do not know they have.

A CPA Example.. you might have these articles - What is the difference between accountants? Or why should you hire a CPA over an accountant? Or, Do CPA's really cost more? What problems can a bad accountant bring to your life? Any article that the people browsing might want to read and GIVE YOU THEIR EMAIL so you know they were here and have the ability to connect.

If you are a business looking for a coach one article might read - If You Don't Know The Difference Between a Strategic Website and a Tactical Website You Are probably Throwing away a Huge Income

or.. How Much Can One Great Idea Change Your Business ... or If Your Coach Has Not Owned Several Of Their Own Businesses How Can They Really Help Yours? Maybe .. If You Are Not Using an E-Learning System Your Business Cannot Truly Grow ...

What would your articles say on your new website to entice people who visit your website to leave their email so you know they stopped by?

But what about the REST of your marketing? Want to get better email response? More opens? More clicks? Want your flyers to actually get results? Want your mailings to produce something? Want your Facebook ads to make you money?

Want to talk more about these things? Buy me coffee!  😉 Steve 

Steve Sapato
The most famous unfamous speaker in America
Training companies to be successful and happy
America's most influential small business coach
Learn how to generate all the leads your business can handle...WITHOUT spending a cent on marketing or advertising
Author of the highly acclaimed book "Small Business Riches - the coaching manual that will show you how to become wealthy" 

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